Saturday, September 30, 2006

More Pictures of TCA - The Boys School

The Boys Start School

The boys attend TCA – a Christian school that is at the front of our road. They are learning to speak the language playground style. Their teachers are natives and give them lots of love. Uniforms have a different perspective down here. It’s pretty cool. The boys have made many new friends and truly see their classmates as their friends. It’s been a pretty smooth start.

The Runway

I got a great shot of the runway for those of you planning to come. You’d think dropping into a jungle airport would make you loose your lunch….but it is such a smooth ride.

The Flight

The flight in was pretty awesome. We were treated to some great scenery. This is our town of Punta Gorda. Town is about 15 minutes from where we live.

Flying Back to Belize

As it turned out the pilot of the puddle jumper was a friend of mine from the old school. So he let me sit up front and fly the plane!! Cole was like let me up there!! Lol. Just kidding…about the friend part the rest is actually true. It was radical.

USA - 10 Years of Marriage

The family went out to eat for our 10 year anniversary. It seems just like yesterday that we were living in San Diego and getting ready for our wedding. 10 years and 4 children later…only God could have seen how beautiful and blessed our lives would be!!

USA - Matt and Samantha's Wedding in Portland

Cole was the ring bearer and the kids boogied down in Portland at the World Trade Center. The wedding was beautiful and we were so stoked to hang out with so much of the family. We are so proud of Matt!!