Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Great Opportunity

The boys loved this sign. Not only are the signs written in Kriol but some are just funny. A guy actually got urinated on. He thought the sign was a joke...he learned.

The Belize Zoo

So…that’s a Jaguar. And that is a chicken wire fence separating us. The zoo was cool to see all the animals up close. We saw real Belizean jaguar, jacaranda, mountain lion, and howler monkeys. All these animals live at Machaca but we just see signs or glimpses of them.

Belizean Independance Day

We celebrated September 21 by going out to get ice cream. The kids hated it. I don’t think we will do that again. They just don’t like ice cream….all they kept asking for was more rice and beans.

Funny Tarantula

OK so this big fella got into the house and I attacked him with a home made killer stick. I rigged a rubbermaid tub up below on the bed and when I smashed him into the roof he fell right into the tub “thud” and I closed it up. That got a cheer from the crowd!! Yes. The other little bug is from “Bugs Life.” He a walking stick. Haha.

Newest Member of the Family

Here is “Dash.” At least that is what the kids call him. Summer and I call him Jaguar food. He is a rottweiler/mastive. In other words…down here he’s going to be a big, scary, potlicker! (that’s Belizean for a mut) Unless Kaina turns him into a Barbie dolly. By the way…aint she cute. She’s making “Astronaut juice”…that's Tang to everyone else.